Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tyler Perry...."How to be Successful"

Today I watched this video probably about seven or eight times. It wasn't because Tyler Perry said anything "new" per se, but the message really hit home because the moment I watched it, I knew I had to make some changes in my life.

I admittedly have the tendency to shift my focus from time to time. The main reason is because I have been blessed with an abundance of talents. For years, I have been trying to figure out how to use all of them. It is now solidified in my brain that if I really focus on the one big task (HUGE task), that God himself has been telling me and showing me that I need to do (for years), all the other "seeds" that I have "planted" will fall into place and if they do not manifest, it was not really in my cards anyway. Enough talking, more doing! Peace and Much Love...Indi