Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How I ended up on the Gibson Guitar bus

When I returned to work at Gibson Guitar Corporation in 2004 (I was previously the Executive Assistant to the CEO), my formal title was- Marketing Specialist. It was actually my most fun job ever, because I wore many hats. I worked on the first Guitartown project, worked in events, assisted with the Holiday TV Campaign, etc. I ended up on the side of the bus because while I was sitting in a marketing meeting discussing possible models for the bus, I noticed that the "higher ups" did not mention having any "people of color". (I do not think it was intentional) When I mentioned it, one of the staff asked me to consider being a model. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to go through with it, and now I am really happy I did. Even though you can't see my face, when I see the picture I'm reminded of the significant part I played in the project (I'm the only minority featured on the bus)and it reassures me that I am able to "make waves" when I put my heart and mind into it.

Its funny because I was feeling a little misguided earlier today, and I happened to see a quick clip of the bus in a promo video. All the good memories came flooding back and I wanted to share my story with you because I don't feel like I share enough about what I did previously in the music industry.

I didn't just appear out of nowhere, I just decided in 2007 to shift my focus toward being an artist. So far, I have accomplished a lot in a short time, I have two songs on an independent film (Love Bones by Deri Tyton) and I have my album, "Society's View". I am very much a work in progress yet I'm not new to the industry at all (12 years and counting!), and I don't plan on going anywhere, anytime soon!

Be motivated everyone! Where you've been is only the beginning! It only gets better! Be blessed!